Dear ALAEA Members,
With so much going on, it is difficult to articulate everything into an email update. Below is a brief update from across our industry. We shall continue to utilise Face Book live videos and emails for specific work groups as information comes to hand.
Please find attached Q&A from the previous FB live sessions. I would also like to thank our much valued Rep Tim “Brother” Ward for his time helping to put this together. Please note, this Q&A is a guide only. Given the ever changing environment at present some answers may no longer be accurate. Please contact the ALAEA office for clarification.
Payroll matters in conjunction with JobKeeper payments continue to be problematic. Please try to rectify these matters through your company provided channels first, failing that let us know the details and we will do all we can to get it sorted.
Also attached is a link to a recent Fair Work Case matter that some of you will find to be an interesting read. We have been given permission from the publisher “Workplace Express” to share this document.
Stand down dispute “Useful Work Case”
We have been in the Federal Court this week responding to Qantas’ application to have the matter transferred from the Fair Work Commission. This is one of the many tactics they use. The effect for us is an unwanted delay and an increase in costs. Needless to say, we don’t want either of these.
For those who aren’t aware, we are seeking immediate return to work for our members in addition to the recredit of any leave used and payment of any lost wages.
This is developing by the minute. Qantas have been granted to have the matter “Stayed” which means the matter will now be heard in the Federal Court.
EASA Allowance Superannuation dispute
When we met with the company in early Feb, they told us that everything was awesome and this matter was resolved. When we told them we were a little sceptical and wanted to check their data, they weren’t all that keen. A couple of weeks later when we finally got the data we requested and it’s pretty clear why; their data had numerous and obvious errors.
We’ve sent an email to them outlining a few of the inconsistencies and informing them that we are seeking an independent audit to be carried out. It is expected they will reject our request, at which point we will consider a range of other options.
Annual leave loading dispute
The last correspondence we had with IR was on 15 January telling us they see no issue. I think we need to get this one moving again, and at the very least formally initiate the dispute process.
Quota review
The Fed Court case for the magnificent 20 (The 20 guys outside of the quotas, who Qantas agreed have been underpaid) is scheduled for mediation on 1 June. Despite IR telling us these guys had all been paid back in March, it seems only four have received any payment, and none have had their Super sorted out.
Apart from that, we have an extract of the Taylor Fry data which is riddled with errors. We have a plan to escalate this matter to the Fair Work Ombudsman to try and get an enforceable undertaking similar to the one the ASU obtained last year. Your ALAEA Executive team continues to pursue this matter with a sense of urgency and frustration.
We’re still awaiting a ruling over the interpretation of clause 16.8 (progression through grade structure).
Moose Unfair dismissal
This matter was heard last November. We are still waiting on the decision to be handed down and are expecting it any time.
We last met with the company on March 16th where Steve informed them that we would not object to a 3 year agreement in line with others that have been agreed in recent times (3% rollover). Despite their assurances that they would get back to us as a matter of urgency, they are yet to respond to our ‘offer’ and have yet to accept many offers to meet to progress the negotiations.
Pre COVID19 an in-principle agreement was reached between the negotiating committee and the company, but I’m sure you’ll all recall the company reneged on the agreement before it could be implemented.
2IC dispute
This dispute is just another example them ignoring what is written in the EA and doing what they want. The matter has been heard this week in the FWC. Decision is pending. I understand that your Fed Sec and JQ Rep Andy Linegar did a brilliant job in the stand.
Useful Work Case
Jetstar LAMEs are also part of the “Useful Work Case”
Unfortunately with the current situation at Virgin, as far as I’m aware all pending matters have been put on hold with the exception of the representation throughout the administration process which S.P. is handling personally.
Our thoughts and best wishes are with our comrades.
QANTASLINK- (Eastern and Sunstate)
Stand down notifications extended to 30th June- with fortnightly consultation hook-ups occurring
Jobkeeper stand downs put in place from 11 May to replace the earlier Fair Work Act direction
50% of salary stand down arrangement in place from 30th June
Cathay Pacific
The new EA came into effect from 15th May. The company are proposing time extended stand down periods beyond 31 May. The ALAEA will be seeking further consultation.
Westpac Helicopter Rescue Service
The company are seeking an EA variation to freeze a 1 July increase for Engineering and Aircrew groups – this is opposed by the ALAEA and other unions – further consultation with the Company and union reps is scheduled for 26 May
The National Jet Systems entity which has been operating the 717 operations for Qantas has now been formally acquired by the Qantas group and NJS will become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Qantas group – transitional arrangements are still being finalised but the ALAEA has been informed that Cobham engineering will continue to undertake maintenance as a minimum for the next 18/24 months.
Heston EA which is out for a vote 27 May 2020 – not a very good deal at all.
Network Aviation NTS
Pete Gill and Brad Stewart are now dealing with stand-downs at NTS WA which commence from 25 May 2020 – I believe they go for approximately one month at this point – they will have fortnightly meetings with management
Kind Regards
Rodney Wyse
Federal President
Potential _wide ramifications_ in court’s stand-down ruling
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