Vote in the Network PIA Ballot, Vote Yes in the Network PIA Ballot


The AEC will commence sending out Ballot Papers today for the Network Aviation Protected Industrial Action (PIA) Ballot.


It is critical that as many members as possible vote to ensure the Ballot is valid.


The EA Negotiating team and the ALAEA recommend Members vote Yes to the PIA Ballot. It is important to send a clear message to the company that their position is not acceptable. The ALAEA still hopes to avoid having to take industrial action and we believe a clear YES vote may bring the company back to the negotiating table with a serious offer without the need to take PIA.


0,0,2,2% is unacceptable to LAME’s. 0,0,2,2% is unacceptable to anyone. This position is being mirrored at other Qantas Group negotiations. When requested at negotiations the company refuse to provide the Network position and continually rely on The Qantas Group position to push their agenda.


CPI is currently over 7%. The Company’s proposal would continue and accelerate the backwards trend of relative LAME wages.


The Company’s claim of 0,0,2,2% is an Ambit Claim and does nothing to recognise the increase in productivity of Network LAME’s, the rapid expansion of Network Aviation with 13 aircraft delivered and a new type in 4 years bringing the fleet to 30, the shortfall in the Network workforce and the low wage rate at Network compared to other workgroups in Perth.


The Qantas Group now has less debt than prior to Covid, has delivered bonuses to Executives, placed orders for new aircraft and bought new airlines and travel companies. But at the negotiating table times are tough. They refuse to acknowledge that LAME’s are well aware how tough times have been working harder than ever with the expansion of Network throughout the restrictions and lockdowns of the Covid Period.


The time is right to reward their staff


Vote in the PIA Ballot. Vote YES in the PIA Ballot




Peter Gill


Assistant Federal Secretary


Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineers Association (ALAEA)


Ph: +61 419 494437

Notice_013_2022_Network PIA Ballot-Final