It has come to the attention of the ALAEA that the Qantas Group is now using iPads to conduct hearing tests instead of performing the customary booth test. Alarmingly, the ALAEA has been informed by some of its members that their recent respective iPad hearing test provided a contradictory result to that member’s previous booth test. In other words, the member’s previous booth test reported hearing loss, and yet the subsequent iPad hearing test recorded no hearing loss. This is a significant cause for concern.
It is the position of the ALAEA that all hearing tests must be performed by a competent person (e.g., an audiologist) who has acquired the necessary level of training and experience to perform a test, interpret its results, and present the results in a manner that enables the person who has been tested at the workplace to make appropriate decisions. Importantly, hearing tests must be conducted using the procedures outlined in AS/NZS 1269.4:2014 – Occupational Noise Management – Part 4: Auditory assessment.
The ALAEA has since contacted Qantas Group management seeking a meeting. To that end we hope to meet with Qantas Group managment in mid-November 2024. We will provide members with an update once this meeting has occurred.
Peter Gill
Acting Federal Secretary
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