The ALAEA is now accepting expressions of interest for enrolments for a third B1 Exclusion Removal Course offered by Padstow TAFE.


The cost is as advertised $3500 for members and AMEs and $5,500 for non-members.


A draft classroom schedule has been prepared by TAFE NSW and is due to commence on the 16th of October 2017 in a modular format.


The final go-ahead for the course will depend on minimum numbers.


By enrolling now you will secure your spot, receive immediately – Course Material, OJT – Journal for Practical Experience which you can start filling out now. The RPL interview will be held on the orientation day.


What do I need to do?

Email the ALAEA at to confirm your interest. You’ll receive an invoice, direct debit form and you’ll need to complete the TAFE NSW enrolment process. Once payment arrangements are finalised you’ll receive your course pack.


We look forward to hearing from you.


Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
B1.1 ‘E1&4 and E5’ removals
Suggested Attendance Pattern for 2017/2018

Class Times Monday – Friday
Classes Start 0900
Lunch 1200-1230
Classes End 1530


16 October 2017
E1 DC Inductors and Capacitors (12 hours)
17 October to the 18th October 2017 Exam date 18 October, time 1pm


E2 AC theory 1 (30 Hours)
23rd to the 27th October 2017 Exam date 27 October, time 1pm


E3 AC theory 2 (30 Hours)
6th to the 10th November 2017 Exam date 10 November, time 1pm


E4 Analogue Fundamentals (15 Hours)

20th to the 22th November 2017 (12am finish) Exam date and time
22th November, 10am.


E5 Electrical Power and Lighting (30 Hours)

5th to the 9th February 2018
Exam date and time 9th February, 1pm.


E6 Digital Techniques (30 Hours)

19th to the 23rd February 2018 Exam date and time 23rd February 1pm.


E7 Instrument Systems (18 Hours)

5th to the 9th March 2018
Exam date and time 9th March, 1pm.


E8 Electronic and Digital Aircraft Systems (18 Hours)

19th to the 21st March 2018 Exam date and time 21st March, 1pm.


E9 Aircraft Communication and navigation Systems (30 Hours)

3rd to the 6th April 2018
Exam date and time 6th April, 1pm.


E10 Soldering and Crimping Practical (if required) (12 Hours)

11 to the 12th April 2018

Exam date and time Practical assessment.