Introduction, ALAEA Senior Vice President – Chris Tamblyn
Hello to all Members,
Thanks for your confidence in voting me into the position of Senior Vice President. I am excited to be in the role and hope I can make a positive contribution to the ALAEA Senior Executive, on your behalf.
I am proud of my diverse history and experience, which includes starting off as a Sumpy in the RAAF for nine years back in 1984, nine years with Ansett in Melbourne heavy maintenance, twenty years off and on with Virgin and a bit of contracting in between.
I have served two terms on the Executive as a Rep for Virgin before taking on the SVP role.
With workloads in aviation currently going ballistic, one vital topic I wanted to touch on in my intro message to you is about the commercial pressures placed on every LAME, industry wide, to do more with less in a shorter time.
Businesses are placing immense pressure on their staff to achieve impossible targets, then penalising the same staff when errors occur. The ALAEA can’t control how businesses roster and plan their maintenance (that is the regulator’s responsibility) but we can support our members when they are safely completing reasonable and achievable workloads and not bowing to the real and perceived pressures being applied by management when their unrealistic targets are not met.
As LAMEs we all have a responsibility to operate within the privileges granted by our hard-earned licences . So, I encourage you to continue doing what you do best. Operate with professional pride, take your time, do it right and stay safe.
If anyone is facing undue pressure from their employer and need advice on how best to deal with it, please feel free to contact me (or head office) for support.
Chris Tamblyn (Tambo)
Senior Vice President
Notice_014_2022_Introduction ALAEA Senior Vice President Chris Tamblyn
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