Dear Member,


Resignation of Peter Gill


Recently, Peter Gill, a long-standing member of the Federal Executive, tendered his resignation as Assistant Federal Secretary. I want to thank Peter for his significant contributions to the Association and his hard work over many years. All will miss him.


ALAEA’s Focus and Future


As all members likely know, our Association has recently come through a very challenging period. Despite this, our Association’s democracy prevailed, and we are now a united team working hard to advance the interests of all our members.

The first essential step in this journey is stabilising our association’s leadership. You will undoubtedly have received an email from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) informing members of an election for various positions, including the Federal Secretary. Democracy is an integral part of our association’s history; therefore, the Federal Executive encourages every member to engage in the process.

While we await the election outcome, we are undertaking vital work to streamline and modernise our governance and internal structure so that we can better serve our members through transparent, democratically made decisions.

Modernisation will enable us to maintain our independence as a stand-alone professional association that specialises in representing the industrial and legal interests of members engaged in aircraft maintenance. We are engaging with key stakeholders, including the Fair Work Commission, to achieve this goal.


Member Meetings


Once the election result is known, the newly elected Federal Secretary, the Federal President, other relevant Federal Executive members, and the Association’s newly appointed General Manager will engage in a national roadshow, during which we plan to hold and conduct membership meetings in all capital cities.

At these meetings, any/all questions concerning our recent past, and especially our future moving forward, will be answered to the best of our knowledge and lawful ability. Above all else, it will be your opportunity as individual members to provide input where you can have your say in an open forum to shape the future of our association. Ultimately, it is your association working for you.


In Unity,


Luke Murray                                                 Rod Wyse                                      Glynn Sowter

Acting Federal Secretary                         Federal President                         General manager


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