Members will have received an email notice “E2022/5 ALAEA Amended Ballot Dates” from the AEC (IEBevents) advising members that new postal vote packs will be sent to all voters. Some members will have already received a vote pack containing a white ballot paper. The AEC made an error and issued the ballot papers without other information they were required to send.
The AEC have advised that they will be sending new vote packs with the required information, candidate statements and new yellow ballot papers. The white ones will not be counted. The AEC will be sending them from 27 May 2022.
If you have voted already, you will have to do so again on the new yellow ballot paper for it to be counted.
The ALAEA intends to lodge a formal complaint to the government about the mishandling of our election by the AEC.
Peter Gill
Assistant Federal Secretary
Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineers Association (ALAEA)
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