Last week the AEC declared Chris Tamblyn as the newly elected Councillor to replace Mike Watson at Virgin and Bob Toovey elected to fill the vacant Qantas Aligned Regional Airlines position. No candidate stood for the Regional Airlines Councillor.


We welcome Chris and Bob to the team and look forward to working with both of them.

Post-Election Report

Section 198 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (“the Act”) requires that if an organisation or branch is given a Post-Election Report under Section 197 that identifies a rule that was difficult to interpret or apply, the organisation or branch must, within 30 days, give a written response to the AEC on that aspect of the report. The response must specify whether the organisation or branch intends to take any action in relation to the rule, and if so, what action it intends to take.

Section198 and the regulations also require an organisation to make the Post-Election Report and the organisation’s response to the report (if applicable) available to members. Further, Regulation 141(4) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009 requires an organisation or branch to publish a notice on its website advising members that a copy of the Post-Election Report is available upon request

Following the recent elections to fill casual vacancies for the Virgin Councillor, The Regional Airlines Councillor and the Qantas Aligned Regional Airlines Councillor the ALAEA has received the Post-Election report from the AEC. The report does not identify any rules that were difficult to interpret or apply. As such the ALAEA is not required to supply a response.

A copy of the AEC’s Post-Election Report is available to members upon request.

Steve Purvinas


Notice 009_2015_Election_Outcome _Notice