As you may be aware, the ALAEA is reviewing the LAME pay/quota system issues IAW the LAME EA clause 16.7.5. We have had to utilise the Right of Entry provisions within the Fair Work Act to obtain the relevant data associated with your pay/quota structure.

Next week we will be starting work on your pay/quota issues, the process requires additional data to complete the individual audits. As such, can you please fill out the attached form along with your CASA Portal Ratings information and email to (please print out the Rating page, scan it and email in PDF format if possible). Each person will be prioritised in the order they are received by us. Please understand this is a big undertaking and will take a long time to process.

If you are still in contact with persons who used to be employed by Qantas as a LAME post August 1997 please pass on this email and ask them to comply accordingly.

The ALAEA Executives involved in the review are subject to non-disclosure agreements and the information you provide to us will be treated as confidential.

We have recently reviewed ALAEA Qantas Executive members and some reps with numerous administration errors being identified.

Please note these quota issues are separate to the EA negotiations. We are still in negotiations in regard to the EA. We sent an email last week to Qantas Management requesting approval for us to conduct feedback meetings across the Qantas ports and are awaiting a reply.


Kind Regards


Rodney Wyse


Federal President

Notice_003_2019_QF LAMEs_LAME Quota Review

LAME Pay Review form Avionic

LAME Pay Review form Mechanical