Qantas Technical Salaried Staff members are reminded to cast a vote for the proposed Qantas Airways Limited (Technical Salaried Staff) Enterprise Agreement 10 (the Agreement). The vote opened on Monday 19 January 2015 and closes at 1600 (AEDT) on Thursday 29 January 2015. We urge you to vote.
You should have received notification by Qantas before the 19th of January 2015 to vote on the Agreement. The ALAEA does not conduct the vote. The vote is arranged by Qantas and conducted by “Elections Australia”, an independent service provider, using an online secret ballot voting system. From the Qantas published voting information instructions:
- Log your computer on to the internet and, using your web browser (not through a search engine such as Google) go to
- Enter your surname, date of birth and start date then click on the submit button.
- Click on either the YES or NO box then click on the submit button.
Employees may cast their vote on any computer connected to the Internet during the voting period. QF have provided computers to be available for voting at work. Assistance with utilising this simple technology will be available, if requested. Further details of how to vote are set out in the Qantas How to Vote Instructions that you should have received from Qantas. If you haven’t received the voting info package contact:
Qantas IR Dept Olga Michals at (02) 9691 2009 or
After the vote closes on 29 January 2015, and if a YES vote is declared by Elections Australia, QF must submit the application within 14 days for approval to the Fair Work Commission (FWC). Then the FWC approval may take however long FWC takes. Then the Agreement comes into effect 7 days after FWC approves it. So on our estimate it may not be until March that it comes into effect, however pay rises will be paid as from 1 January 2015 for existing employees at the time the Agreement comes into effect.
Gary Norris
Senior Industrial Officer
20150123_Notice 002-2015 – All QF TSS Members -Qantas Technical Salaried Staff EA10 Vote
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