Nov 23, 2017 | Notices, Notices 2017
Members should be aware that Qantas are in the process of introducing a new timekeeping system into Brisbane HM which we assume they may ultimately extend to all departments. It is called “Deputy” and records your movements electronically.
Nov 6, 2017 | Notices, Notices 2017
Meetings have concluded and we have an in-principle agreement. We haven’t given away too much although taking 2% wage rises does add significant benefit to the company. Apart from that we have secured plenty of good things that will certainly give those who have fallen behind with the new licencing system an equal footing and nobody will lose licence payments for retiring aircraft. FRCs will remain secured within the Agreement including on new aircraft types. Everyone will be offered type training from 1 Jan next year until the Agreement ends including those AMEs who gain all their basics.
Oct 26, 2017 | General, Notices, Notices 2017
Just wanted to share an update on Leave Burn court matters. Yesterday I signed up my 250 page affidavit for the Federal Court in support of our application.
Oct 25, 2017 | Notices, Notices 2017
Most of you would be aware that CASR Part 66 training standards for Aircraft Maintenance Licencing are underpinned by the Aeroskills Training Package (MEA) and associated Qualifications and Units of Competency, delivered by Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) approved by CASA under CASR Part 147.
Oct 20, 2017 | Notices, Notices 2017
The ALAEA Android App has now been released and can be downloaded from google play. This means that both Android and Apple users can download this handy tool that contains a number of features for members. Apart from the many links to useful information, the app acts as another two-way communication tool between the members and our office.
Oct 13, 2017 | Notices, Notices 2017
The Qantas Super Board elections are currently underway. The ALAEA is supporting our Assistant Federal Secretary Luke Murray to be elected to the Board after a request for assistance from other unions.
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