Jul 20, 2015 | Notices 2015
The ALAEA and Virgin have now had an opportunity to discuss the ramifications of the decision from the Fair Work Commission. Virgin advised us that in line with the decision, that they would now re-calculate the wages for all part time Engineers, so that they were paid overtimes rates from the period that the change was made until now, the same way as they had calculated overtime previously.
Jul 20, 2015 | Notices 2015
This notice is being issued to update members on a current dispute regarding travel allowances and the calculation of travel time for those of you who are employed under the TSS Enterprise Agreement.
Jul 6, 2015 | Notices 2015
Expressions of interest are being sought from the entire ALAEA membership to represent the ALAEA in the 2016 AEROSPACE MAINTENANCE COMPETITION to be held in April 2016 in Dallas Texas in conjunction with MRO AMERICAS 2016
Jun 12, 2015 | Notices 2015
In accordance with the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and Rule 38 of the ALAEA Rules, the 2014 ALAEA Audited Financial Report is now available for members to view on our website, www.alaea.asn.au in the member notices section.
May 21, 2015 | Notices 2015
Last week I issued a notice number 13/2015.
May 15, 2015 | Notices 2015
Members should read and become aware of a few matters of importance to all LAMEs working at Qantas. I will attach below the words sent today to Sandra Nieuwenhuijzen which should be seen as advice we believe all members should be following until otherwise informed. Before I do so, I think it important to put some context into the notice and shall do and briefly explain a recent Fair Work Commission decision
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