Dear Bristow member


Thank you to all members who voted in the ALAEA’s recent survey to gauge the view of members in response to Bristow seeking cost reductions including possible cuts to salary rates and conditions enshrined in the current Bristow Engineers Agreement.


This was in follow up to the Company recently informing the unions, and the Engineering Committee, that they were facing a crisis-type situation due to a number of factors impacting the offshore oil and gas sector.


As you know the vote was to consider which of two different options should be supported.


Option 1 was to consider commencing negotiations with the Company to negotiate an acceptable package of cost reduction concessions.


Option 2 was to inform the Company that the current Bristow Engineers Agreement should continue in operation without any changes to current terms and conditions.


The result of the vote was a margin of 69% to 31% in support of Option 2 compared to Option 1.


This result will now instruct the ALAEA’s stance in future discussions with Bristow management.


Thank you to all members who participated in the survey.


In unity,

Noel Speers

ALAEA National Industrial Officer